Laser Toenail Fungus Removal in Fountain Valley, CA

Located in the middle of Orange County, between Huntington Beach to the south and west, Westminster, Garden Grove, and Santa Ana to the north and northeast, and Costa Mesa and the Santa Ana River to the east and southeast, the City of Fountain Valley is home to just over 55,000 people.

Originally inhabited by the Tongva people of North America, the area was settled by Manuel Nieto, who was granted a rancho that encompassed 300,000 acres by the Spanish government. Until 1957, the community remained an unincorporated town called Talbert. When the city incorporated, the town chose Fountain Valley as its name, after the high water table in the are and the frequent artesian wells that resulted from that high water table. Early settlers had to construct drainage canals in order to make the land usable, not a common California problem.

Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley

The name Fountain Valley conjures up visions of beautiful streams, with trees and grass in park-like settings. This is not far from the truth, as Fountain Valley boasts ownership of the Mile Square Regional Park, a 640-acre park with two lakes, three golf courses, picnic shelters, ball fields, and a 20-acre nature area planted with vegetation native to California.

Purchased by the Navy in 1942, the park was originally used as an auxiliary for the Naval Air Station in Los Alamitos. The Navy constructed three landing fields in the shape of a triangle in the middle of the park. Each field was over 2,000 feet in length and were used for practice for carrier deck landings.

Military operations in Fountain Valley ceased in 1974 and Orange County entered into a lease with the Navy, allowing the county to develop the area into a regional park. The park includes dedicated sports space with tennis, basketball, and racquetball courts, as well as baseball fields, a gymnasium, and a community center.

Mile Square Community Park

16801 Euclid Street

Fountain Valley, CA  92708

(714) 973-6600

Early Fountain Valley

In the early years, Fountain Valley had such a high water table that drainage canals were necessary to make the land farmable. Prior to 1930, the land around Fountain Valley was used to grow field crops such as beans and sugar beets. With improvements to transportation came the ability to truck produce to other areas and the land began to be used to grow “truck crops” such as strawberries, broccoli, peas, corn, beans, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, and spinach.

Modern Fountain Valley

The 1960s brought a growth explosion to Fountain Valley, as it did to many areas in Southern California. Fountain Valley had already instituted a master plan for the development of the community, allowing them to grow without overwhelming resources or becoming disorganized. For this reason, Fountain Valley is often referred to as the best-planned community in Orange County.

Heading to the Beach from Fountain Valley

Located just three miles from the California Coast, residents of Fountain Valley can escape the summer heat in minutes with a visit to any one of the dozens of beaches nearby. Although Fountain Valley enjoys the same temperate climate as the rest of Southern California, summer temperatures can still reach the low 90s on occasion, prompting a quick beach trip to get away from the heat.

For residents of Fountain Valley suffering from toenail fungus, a walk on the beach is no day at the park. Thick, discolored toenails can cause embarrassment and prevent some people from taking part in activities that require showing their toes in public.

Thick, Discolored Toenails in Fountain Valley

If you notice that your toenails are getting increasingly thick and difficult to cut, you may have a toenail fungus infection. The microbes that cause toenail fungus flourish in dark, moist places. You can come into contact with the microbes that cause toenail fungus in places like public pools or showers. Wearing tight shoes while doing sweaty work or exercising can also give fungus an opportunity to take root in your toenails.

In the beginning, toenail fungus is difficult to spot, but you may notice that your toenails start to thicken and get more and more difficult to cut. This is a sign that you have a fungus infection in your toenails and should seek treatment.

Dr. Kleis is the leading provider for laser nail fungus treatments in Southern California. He has successfully treated hundreds of patients for toenail fungus infections, restoring their natural beautiful nails. Before your toenails get any thicker, you should schedule a consultation with Dr. Kleis to see if laser toenail treatment is right for you. 

Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is caused by microbes that exist everywhere in the environment and thrive in moist, dark places. Fungi, mold, and yeast can all infect the nails and these microorganisms are nearly always present in environments with sufficient moisture and lack of sunlight. Moist, dark areas are prime places for fungi microbes to thrive, but they exist in nearly every environment, and we are always coming into contact with them.

Up to 10% of the population is estimated to suffer from toenail fungus infections. This condition is so common because the microbes that cause the infection are all around us all the time. When we wear tight fighting shoes that trap sweat and moisture next to our skin, we help to create an environment where fungus can take hold on our feet and toenails.

Healthy nails are more resistant to infection from fungus causing microbes. People most at risk for developing toenail fungus are athletes, elderly people, and people with other health conditions that lower their immune system. Some of the most common places to come into contact with toenail fungus are public pools, gyms, and showers, but the microbes are present everywhere in our environment.

Athletes With Toenail Fungus

Athletes are more susceptible to toenail fungus for several reasons. First, they are more likely to cause repetitive trauma to their toenails, weakening the nail bed and giving fungi a place to take hold. Also, the types of shoes worn by athletes tend to be tight in order to provide proper support for training. The tightness of the shoes, however, means that there is little air flow, trapping sweat and moisture inside the shoe and providing ideal conditions for toenail fungi to grow.

Toenail Fungus in Older People

As men and women age, they become more susceptible to a variety of ailments. The cell regeneration slows down and healing doesn’t happen as quickly as it used to. The natural aging process, even for people who are otherwise in excellent health, makes older people more likely to get toenail fungus. It’s so common among the elderly that people often think nothing of Grandpa’s ugly thick toenails or expect Grandma to wear sandals when her toes look like “that.”

But, being over 55 doesn’t mean you have to give in to toenail fungus or stop showing your toes. Beautiful, healthy nails are possible at any age with laser treatments for toenail fungus. Laser treatments for toenail fungus don’t have any side effects, are not painful, and don’t require anesthesia or pain medication. This makes it appropriate for patients of all ages, including older people with toenail fungus.

Toenail Fungus In People With Health Conditions

Underlying health conditions like diabetes and heart disease can lower the body’s overall ability to fight infection. Lowered immunity makes it easier for toenail fungus to take hold and grow. In fact, people with diabetes are more than twice as likely to get toenail fungus as the general population. Not only are people with health conditions more likely to get toenail fungus, but they are also less likely to qualify for oral medications to fight it. The possible side effects of oral treatments for toenail fungus make it difficult for people with diabetes, heart conditions, or liver disease to qualify for treatment.

Laser toenail fungus treatment is safe for everyone. The focused, laser technology uses pulses to ensure that the surrounding tissues aren’t harmed and that the treatment remains safe and pain-free. Dr. Kleis uses two different lasers in his office, allowing him to target a wider range of fungus causing organisms. The lasers target only the microbes beneath the nail and don’t harm the surrounding tissues. The treatment is pain-free and doesn’t require an anesthetic. Most patients see improvement in their nails after a single treatment.

If you’re not sure if you’re a candidate for oral anti-fungal treatments for toenail fungus, call Dr. Kleis at (714) 760-4944 to schedule a consultation. Dr. Kleis can schedule laser toenail treatment that won’t put your health at risk!

Toenail Fungus FAQs

What Causes Toenail Fungus?

Fungal infections of the toenails are most often caused by exposure to moist, wet areas. Communal showers, such as those found at a gym or public pool are often sources of infection. Having athletes foot is also a risk factor for developing toenail fungus, as athletes foot is a fungus that can, over time, infect the nail bed, as well.

Tight fitting shoes, worn for long periods of time in hot, sweaty conditions, also provide an environment for toenail fungus to gain a foothold. Repeated trauma to the toenail can weaken the nails and provide an opportunity for toenail fungus to begin.

How do you get toenail fungus?

Anyone can get toenail fungus. The fungi, mold, and yeasts that cause toenail fungus are commonly found in most moist, wet areas. Going barefoot in public showers is a common way to come into contact with fungus causing pathogens. Not everyone who comes into contact with toenail fungi will actually get toenail fungus. Persons with weakened nails are especially prone to developing nail fungus.

Athletes are prone to toenail fungus, partly because of the tight fitting shoes they wear and sweaty workouts they endure. Athletes are also prone to repeated nail trauma, which weakens the nail and provides an opportunity for nail fungus to begin.

Elderly people are more prone to developing toenail fungus, due to an overall weakened immune system caused by age. Other conditions that make a person more susceptible to toenail fungus include diabetes, AIDS, cancer, psoriasis, and taking immuno-suppressive medications like steroids.

Can I get toenail fungus from a pedicure?

It is possible to contract toenail fungus from a nail salon. If the sanitary conditions of a salon are not sufficiently maintained, toenail fungi can lurk in the cracks and crevices of basins and equipment. These fungi can then be passed from one customer to another. Proper hygiene and a strict cleaning regimen will reduce the chances of toenail fungus being contracted by customers of a nail salon. It is important to avoid nail salons that lack good sanitation.

Can I get a pedicure while I have toenail fungus?

It is possible to get a pedicure, even if you have a toenail fungus. However, it is important to choose a salon that is equipped with proper sanitation equipment and be upfront about your condition so that the nail technician will be prepared to sanitize properly afterward. Calling ahead will ensure that the salon you choose is equipped to handle your situation.  In some cases, a customer will be asked to provide their own manicure tools and nail polish to avoid spreading the fungus.

What does toenail fungus look like?

In the beginning, toenail fungus is not very noticeable. It may start out as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your toenail. As time goes on, your toenail may become thicker or distorted, making it difficult to cut your toenails. Your toes may become painful, especially if the affected toe is under pressure.

Toenail fungus may turn your toenail black, yellow, green, or white, depending on the type of infection. The nail can become brittle or crumbly. Pieces of the nail may break off or the nail may fall off completely. The skin around the infected toenail may also get red, irritated, swollen, or cracked.

What does the beginning of toenail fungus look like?

Toenail fungus often begins as a small white or yellow spot under the tip of the nail. It is generally not painful or particularly noticeable in the early stages. As the infection grows, the nail may become discolored, thicken, or become distorted.

Is toenail fungus contagious?

Toenail fungus is contagious in the sense that it is possible to get it. However, most people are resistant to the fungus and will only develop it if there are some underlying problems like lower immunity, damaged nails, or prolonged exposure to moist, wet conditions surrounding the feet. Because toenail fungus is so common, you can expect that more than one person in a household may have it, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that one person passed it to another. The fungi, mold, and yeast that commonly cause toenail fungus are present in most moist, wet areas, including home bathrooms, bathtubs, and showers. A person “catches” toenail fungus by having weakened nails and then being exposed to the fungus, rather than simple exposure to another person with toenail fungus.

How to treat toenail fungus

There are several treatments for toenail fungus, including oral medications, topical treatments, and surgery.

Oral medications work with your body to clear the infection more quickly than topical treatments but come with side effects like liver problems and skin rash.

Topical treatments can take longer to work, sometimes up to a year to clear a fungal infection. Surgery can be used to remove the infected nail and allow a new, healthy nail to grow. This treatment is usually only prescribed if the infection is very severe and/or painful.

Laser treatments are the easiest way to get rid of toenail fungus. Lasers target the fungi under the nail and kill it, with no side effects and no discomfort. Other than a slight warming sensation, the patients feel very little during treatment. Once the lasers have killed the fungus, the nail simply grows out, healthy and normal. In some cases, your podiatrist may recommend more than one laser treatment, to ensure that all fungi have been eliminated.

How to treat toenail fungus at home

There are several home remedies for toenail fungus. People use Vicks VapoRub, snakeroot extract, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, oregano oil, and hydrogen peroxide, among others. While some of these methods may work when the fungal infection is in the early stages, advanced toenail fungus needs to be treated in a doctors office for best results.

Will my toenails grow back after fungus treatment?

Yes! After treatment, you can expect your toenail to continue to grow out at its natural rate, replacing the unsightly nail with a beautiful, healthy one.

How do you get toenail fungus?

Fungal infections of the toenails are most often caused by exposure to moist, wet areas. Communal showers, such as those found at a gym or public pool are often sources of infection. Having athletes foot is also a risk factor for developing toenail fungus, as athletes foot is a fungus that can, over time, infect the nail bed, as well.

Tight fitting shoes, worn for long periods of time in hot, sweaty conditions, also provide an environment for toenail fungus to gain a foothold. Repeated trauma to the toenail can weaken the nails and provide an opportunity for toenail fungus to begin.

Does Peroxide Get Rid of Toenail Fungus?

Hydrogen peroxide can kill fungus microbes. Soaking your foot in peroxide can, in some cases, help get  rid of toenail fungus. However, because it is difficult for hydrogen peroxide to reach all of the areas of the toe where the fungus can grow, such as under the nail, in the nail bed, it can be difficult to completely treat advanced fungus with peroxide alone. Using peroxide as a preventive or early intervention tool can be quite effective, however.

Will Toenail Fungus Go Away on Its Own?

In most cases, toenail fungus will not go away on its own. It requires treatment to eliminate it and prevent the spread to other, healthy toenails.

Can I Cut My Toenails if They Have Fungus?

Yes, you can cut your toenails if they have fungus. To avoid spreading the fungus to other toenails, be sure to thoroughly clean the cutting instruments between toes using bleach or peroxide. To make cutting your toenails easier, soak your feet for ten minutes or so in warm water to soften the nails. Then, use sharp nail clippers to cut straight across, using small cuts to avoid splintering the nail and damaging the nail bed.

Does Nail Polish Cause Toenail Fungus

While nail polish doesn’t exactly CAUSE toenail fungus, it can increase your chances of getting it. Dark nail polish, especially if worn all the time, can block sunlight from reaching your nail bed. Sunlight can kill fungus microbes and prevent toenail fungus from growing. Keeping your nails constantly covered up with polish can increase your chances for toenail fungus to grow. Also, nail salons are a place where you might come into contact with fungi if the nail technicians aren’t vigilant about cleaning pedicure instruments between customers. Use care in choosing a nail salon and, if possible, visit in the morning when instruments are generally the cleanest.

My Toenail Fell Off – Is It Fungus?

There are several reasons why your toenail might fall off. Trauma is the most common reason for losing a toenail. However, if your toenail thickens over time, lifting from the nail bed and eventually falling off, it is very likely a fungus and you should seek treatment from your podiatrist.

Can my fingernails get fungus?

Yes, any nail can get a fungal infection. It is not as common for fungal infections to infect a fingernail because hands are generally kept drier and not exposed as frequently to hot, damp, confined conditions.

Why Don’t Fingernails Get Fungal Infections As Often As Toenails?

Our feet are often confined for hours per day in hot, sweaty shoes. The shoes block the sunlight and don’t allow sweat to dry, creating an ideal environment for fungus and mold like athletes foot and toenail fungus to thrive. Hands get wet, but then are quickly dried, not providing the moist, wet conditions fungus need to grow.

Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment In Fountain Valley

If you’re looking for the best laser treatment for toenail fungus in Fountain Valley, California, you’ll find it at The Laser Nail Specialists. Dr. Kleis, DPM is a podiatrist in Costa Mesa, serving all of Orange County. Dr. Kleis has the very latest in laser technology and can treat your toenail fungus quickly and painlessly. There’s no need to suffer from toenail fungus any longer, call Dr. Kleis and schedule your consultation today. 

Laser Treatment For Toenail Fungus FAQs

Can laser treatments get rid of toenail fungus?

Laser treatments for nail fungus have been clinically proven to work. Nail fungus is often eliminated after a single laser treatment. Most patients report that the appearance of their toenails is improved after a single treatment. However, a second or third treatment may be required for severe infections.

How Does Laser Toenail Fungus Treatments Work?

Focused laser light targets the fungal organisms that live in and under the toenail and nail bed. The light heats the tissue, destroying the fungal microbes and killing the toenail fungus.

The laser is pulsed to avoid overheating the surrounding tissues, making the treatment pain-free. No pain relievers will be required after the procedure and no anesthetic is necessary to perform it.

How much do laser treatments for toenail fungus cost?

Costs for laser toenail fungus treatments vary, depending on the severity of the infection and the number of treatments required. When you visit with Dr. Kleis, he will work with you to determine the best course of treatment and go over the expected cost with you.

Can I make payments on laser treatments for nail fungus?

We offer financing through Care Credit. You can fill out an application online and get approval before you schedule your treatments. Make payments you can afford while achieving better nail health!

Do laser treatments work for toenail fungus?

Laser treatments are one of the most effective ways to treat toenail fungus. Often in as little as one treatment, patients will see clear, beautiful nails begin to appear. Toenails grow slowly, however, and the damaged nail must be given time to grow out and be cut off before the whole nail will look perfectly restored.

How many laser treatments does it take to get rid of nail fungus?

Many times a single laser treatment will relieve toenail fungus. In very serious cases, it may take a second or even third treatment. Your podiatrist will be able to let you know how many treatments to expect.

Will Medicare Cover Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus?

Normal foot care is not generally covered by Medicare, though some Medicare supplement plans do provide coverage for additional benefits, including foot care. If a patient has underlying health issues that affect the feet, such as diabetes and diabetic nerve pain, Medicare will sometimes pay for a podiatrist visit to address that condition.

Medicare Part B plans will sometimes include benefits that cover podiatry and could include benefits for laser treatment. Call your plan provider or allow our office to assist you in determining benefit coverage from your Medicare supplement plan. Call Dr. Kleis at (714) 760-4944 to speak to a customer care specialist who can help you determine your Medicare and supplemental benefits.

Does Insurance Pay For Laser Nail Treatments?

While advanced toenail fungus can cause problems with a person’s ability to move and exercise, it is generally considered an aesthetic issue and isn’t covered by insurance. However, plans vary and you should ask your insurance provider or allow one of our customer care specialists to inquire for you. To see if your insurance plan will pay for Laser Nail Treatments, call our office at (714) 760-4944

Does Laser Nail Treatment Hurt?

Laser nail treatments last about thirty minutes. The laser is focused only on the affected toenail and doesn’t harm any healthy tissues. The area will feel warm during treatment, but no pain is experienced. A pulsing laser is used to avoid overheating the area or causing damage to surrounding tissues. No anesthetic is required and, generally, no pain relievers are necessary following treatment.  Patients are immediately able to resume regular activities, including wearing shoes and painting their toenails.

How do I Prepare For Laser Nail Therapy?

When arriving for your laser nail treatment appointment, you should ensure that your feet are clean and free of all nail polish. Wear clean socks and plan to spend a minimum of an hour at the office. You will be able to wear your shoes again immediately after the treatment and drive yourself home from the office. If your toenail fungal infection is severe, Dr. Kleis may ask you to schedule an additional treatment session.

 For additional questions about preparing for upcoming toenail laser treatments, please call our office at (714) 760-4944 


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Contact Us

Please contact us for any questions or to make an appointment. One of our friendly office staff members will be in touch with you shortly. Contact Dr. Jeffrey Kleis for a consultation and get your feet ready for summer today.
